Nano-Observer AFM

The Nano-Observer AFM microscope is a flexible and powerful AFM. Designed with the ultimate technologies, it combines performance and ease of use. The USB controller offers a real integrated lock-in for better measurement capability (phase detection, Piezo-Response Mode¡¦).

A low-noise laser and a pre-alignment system provide simplicity and high resolution on a compact AFM head. Its intuitive software simplifies all Atomic Force Microscope settings to allow quick and safe AFM acquisitions.




ResiScope II

The ResiScope II is a unique system able to measure Resistance over 10 decades with a high sensitivity and resolution. It can be combined with several dynamic modes as MFM/EFM (AC/MAC mode) or KFM single?pass (AC/MAC III) providing several sample characterization on the same scan area.

The measurement is made by applying a DC bias between the sample and a conductive AFM probe (tip at virtual ground). The tip is scanning in contact mode using the laser deflection for the AFM feedback . As an independent measurement, the ResiScope II measures the sample resistance through the High Performance Amplifier (HPA).

